Monday, December 7, 2015

A New Kind of Me

I have decided I'm going to do what everyone says you should do.
And I am going to be myself.
I am a Christian.

I'm going to stop pretending, and start being me.
Who am I?
A Bible-believing, Faith-holding, God-loving, Jesus-preaching Christian.
Don't like who I am? I'm sorry to hear that.
I will not judge you. But neither will I keep the Judge's warning to myself.
I won't impose my faith on anyone. But neither will I be afraid to share it.
I will not tell you what to do. But neither will I turn my back on injustice.
I will not tell you who to be. But neither will I deny who I am.
I will not act overbearing or pretend to be better. But neither will I cower in the dark.
I will apologize for my failures. I will not apologize for my convictions.

What are your charges?
Do you think all Christians are self-righteous, racist, misogynist, bigoted brutes?
Do you purposely promote stories about inquisitors
And turn a blind eye to the ministry of missionaries?
History is littered with acts of good and evil both done in Jesus' name.
But Jesus, who taught us to love even our enemies,
To do unto others as we would have them do to us –
Can you hold him responsible for those who did the opposite in his name?
Can the self-righteous judgments of man, who sees little,
Be blamed on the righteous judgment of God
Who perceives the core of every being?

You can mock me.
You can say I will never live up to God's standard, so I should give up.
You are half right.
I am not perfect.
I will continue to do damage to myself and to others with my actions and words
Because I'm such a rotten sinner.
But I believe in the power of forgiveness.
I know we are broken, fallen, beset with weaknesses.
But I believe we will one day be perfect.
Because I believe in the promises of God.
I believe in the redeeming power of Jesus, who took the punishment we justly deserved,
And bore our pain for us,
Because he loves us.

This is the new kind of Me,
A new kind of Me which follows an old faith,
An ancient faith,
A trust in the one who laid the foundations of the world,
Who gave us our beings,
Who gave us life, and will continue to give life to those who will accept it,
Who believe in the resurrection of Christ.

We are Christians.
This is who we are, and this is what we believe.
God is our Father.
Jesus is our Lord,
And we are his people.

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