Sunday, May 15, 2016

Bleeding Soul

Spears pierce my mind, and my soul bleeds.

We are told we can do anything if we set our minds to it. Believe in yourself and you can accomplish the impossible.
But the walls of my prison are rock-solid. They cannot be broken no matter how much I pound and push - and they are closing in.

Some people are born with strength. They press on through life, fall, but get up again and keep going. I have no such power. My arms shrivel, my heart grows weak.

Confidence is dangerous for me. A little more, and I hurt myself.
My heart calls – my mind does not respond. My brain beckons – my body does not heed. I face the future with determination – but can barely take one step.

Daggers pierce my mind, my soul bleeds.

We are taught to stand up for what we believe. Our beliefs are a part of us. But I am knocked down before I can even rise, again and again. And every time a bloated ego marches triumphant from the site of my defeat.

Perhaps it was only defense. Perhaps they were aware of my own fangs, and that was why they sawed them off. I can't blame them. Perhaps this was for the best.
But knowing this doesn't ease the pain, and the scars throb until they numb.
I never wanted to see them writhe. I never wanted to drive them into the dirt. I just wanted them to see.

Perhaps I was confused. But my feelings were real. It's the tragedy of any argument that one must always walk away the loser – though both sides may be right about some things while wrong about others.

But the greatest tragedy of all is that some hearts may never be reconciled. They reach for one another, but a black void lies between – a rift in reality, a crack in the continuum, forever open, never to be sewed back together.

I want to believe it can be bridged. I want to believe that if I can let my talents sing, swelling in a great symphony at the top of the world for all the universe to hear, that one day you would feel the joy I felt, humming along with the tune that so moved me. And maybe I could understand you better.

But it may be my fate only to find myself one day languishing on my face, with the time and the strength only to etch the words “I wish” in the dirt before I succumb to my final sleep. Such is the way the cards could fall.

Thorns pierce my mind, my soul bleeds.

I cry out to God. He doesn't listen. “Why have you forsaken me?”
Was it because my sins were too bad? Perhaps I just can't be forgiven, perhaps I have crucified Christ one too many times.
Do I have to believe that just yet? Perhaps "it is no longer I who do it, but sin dwelling in me."
“Your God will not answer, because he does not exist,” you say. But I will not comply with your pessimism, your sick excuse for hedonism and self-worship. I know where my hope lies, and as long as I live I'll trust in that hope.

I don't know what's to be my end. Perhaps my dreams are too incompatible with the ways of Jesus. Perhaps my views are too idealistic to stand up to the scrutiny of true Biblical faith.

But I will keep waiting, praying, listening, looking – and maybe some day my dead soul will rediscover life, and the spears, daggers and thorns will stop.

And I will fly once again.


  1. vulnerablity has the power of truth, vulnerability is I believe what makes us connect to likeminded. But there are just a handfuls of us. We need to find one another. We the sensitive souls who mediate the between the world and the divine. It is a hard road. A narrow road. Jesus spoke of it, few get through. Faith is the key. A mustard seed only. Christ is the way the truth and the life. Not us. Not our sensitive souls alone, but we the sensitive souls with God paving the way. Your words are tender and vulnerable that allow others to do the same. Thank you. Grace is sufficient on this narrow road.

  2. So powerful, Stephen. You really have a way with words, and I appreciate your honesty here. I'm so glad you are writing. What Kathy says is right. Your vulnerability will also help others and God's grace is sufficient. Blessings to you, my son. I love you!

  3. I have realized in my own life God wants me to come to him in utter dependence. He wants to hear when I am broken, lost and have given up. Stephen, your words are vulnerable and real. Thank you for sharing from your heart.

  4. Stephen I have known you since you were a boy with a gentle heart and creative mind. You are still that boy, but you have grown into a man, and you are still growing into the man God wants you to be. Growing is a painful process, because it involves change, but the hands that are holding, molding, shaping and forming you Stephen are the hands of the One who loves you with an everlasting love. He works with a divine plan to perform His purpose with you. Trust Him even when you don't understand, hold on to His promises even when you don't see the outcome. You are not alone even when you feel nothing. The one who is holding your hand is the Man of Sorrows and He will never let go. I pray for you and I see Christ in you. Deon Louw

    1. I appreciate the message and your prayers. I will continue to hope in God even when the doubts come.
